
My Email and Password are Correct but I Still Can't Login.

Kajabi is very case sensitive and has some requirements for login:

1. Make sure your device (i.e. iPhone or iPad) isn't automatically capitalizing the first letter of your email.

2. Make sure there are no extra spaces before or after your email. 



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  • -3

    Obviously this is a rip off, want my money back!!! I will call my credit card company in the morning!

  • 0
    Caryn Sachs

    Agreed. I am cancelling on my credit card as well!!!!


  • 0
    ernestina kwakye

    Have retyped my email address several times but still can't log in to access the pdf

  • 0
    irene hart

    I have retyped my email but still cant get in or I cant get my password ghanged either

  • 0
    Melissa Dover

    I will be cancelling my order in the morning and calls no my credit card person.  Melissa dover 

  • 0
    LBK TX Spurs Gal

    I will be canceling my order and reporting this site to the BBB. I will also be unsubscribing to your Facebook page. No log in page. I am not able to access my purchase.

  • 2

    Since January 2018 I am unable to log in and view my purchase from the language of desire. Can you send me the link to log in and username and password? It says my email address is not in your system. I purchased this in 2015 and now I can’t log in anymore. I have sent many support tickets and have gotten no responses back to fix this issue. Give me a refund if you can’t resolve this!!!!!!

  • 0

    Hello, my account has been locked due to suspicious activity,please it was me I'm using a lot of different hotspots from different bars in Florida, i was on vacation. Please be so kind to unlock my account, i only have 3 modules left. I already sent 3 emails and am still waiting.

    I bought the text your ex back program,if that helps.

  • 0

    I want my money back too

  • 0
    AnnaLiza Armendariz

    I am a new subcriber and I can't access the material after Module states wrong password...changed it several times...hard to access login page. Annoying not user friendly...thinking about getting a refund.

  • 0
    Candi Shaul

    I am having the same problems as the rest of these people not being able to sign into my account which originally let me sign in for the first two times. after I logged out it's not let me log back in and continues to tell me that the password you guys gave me is incorrect or that my emails incorrect. Which I know they are not because they weren't the previous two times. I have written you or this Maggie person it says to write if you need any help with your account and I keep getting automated responses saying give you guys two days to work on it and is now been six days going on a week and I still have not heard back from you. It gives me the option to reactivate and pick out a new password which I have done already and the password is still not working. I'm starting to feel like this might be some kind of rip off after reading everybody else's comments above because they're having the same problems I am. I plan on calling you guys tomorrow at the number you have on your website and find out what is going on here. You give 30 day money back guarantee and if this doesn't get settled soon I will want a full refund.

  • 0
    Maggie Tan

    I purchased Text Your Ex Back in year 2013 and I tried to log in to my account using the link that was given in the email, it was an invalid webpage. I can't access to my purchase anymore! It's pretty frustration after purchasing the product but have no access to it!

    I've texted Mike using the FB page and sent an email to digital romance helpdesk but no reply from them at all. Is this a scam??? Apparently I wasn't the only one who is facing the same issue.

    Can somebody please tell me what's going on??

  • 0

    Definitely a scam! Try to get your money back exclamation

  • 0

    I can't log in my account and password,either. I only received a reply from a person called Jasmine three years ago, then they never replied to me again.

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